Tag Archives: quizlet


Feel 20 times better! I came back from a very leisurely turnaround flight to Kuwait this morning, the loads were very light both ways, lovely crew (including a cute L2 guy). Flirting makes the time pass so much faster (-: I was told I looked like Kristen Stewart, not true, but nice to hear anyway, hohoho. Picked up the new Cabin Crew Onboard Service Guide as well – nicely timed, as I had to do the PA again. Little things pep me up. Or maybe I was seeking out little things to be pepped up by?? There were two South African airline crew onboard too, to operate from Kuwait on what I think they said was a something-120, with only three other crew.. must be tiny! An Embraer, or an air force plane?? I wanted to ask them so many questions – I did go back to offer them drinks and chat but they were already asleep.

I finally went to the crew gym this afternoon, which is around three blocks from here, and it’s totally fine! I can’t imagine now why I put it off for so long..I think because last time I only peeked into the poky claustrophobia-inducing female-only gym. The mixed one is much better. A little disappointed that my ankle hurt too much to run on, but I used the bike and power-walked it instead. Now, if I can just start studying a course or something, and improve my lackluster social life, I might be on my way to being a semi well-rounded individual.

I started using Quizlet in an attempt to review first aid and aircraft details that I once knew and have since forgotten. After logging in again after typing out a whole bunch of ‘flashcards’, they have all for some reason vanished. Annoying. But not taking that into consideration, I highly recommend Quizlet, or Memorizable if you need to familiarize yourself with anything really, especially vocab or definitions. 🙂

London in all but a few hours!! 16°C/7°C.. yoww!

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