Tag Archives: media

iCurrent, and News Headings that Annoy

Haven’t yet found a great news aggregate. For now Google News, iCurrent – and popurls on the odd occasion – suffice. iCurrent is my favourite, great for personalizing news stories of interest. Nothing fancy, but as you use it it and give feedback on links, it evolves more and more to taste. You can fit a lot of one-liner text-only headings on one page, which is how I prefer the news displayed. More bang for your buck.

Problem is that (especially recently) these headings are often misleading. Not sensationalized, but distracted completely from the real topic. Only realize after you’ve clicked through that you realize the article is of no interest to you whatsoever. Boo on that. This double-meaning works beautifully in print, a butter churn of wit and creativity. But online, when you want specific information, it just seems crass. Tabloid-y and cheap, and not what you want from ‘serious’ media.

I do see the other side of it too though. Having four or five measly words to capture a reader’s fleeting glance. A competition of type.

Still… annoying! 😛

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GB on Fox News

Speaking of skeptics and goldmines, this guy left me complete shock. All flabbergasted-y. I go through stages of incessantly trolling through newspapers and flicking through TV news channels and websites. Compulsive need-to-know, you know? Very(selectively) preoccupied with the state of the world.

Now, I know Fox News isn’t taken seriously by many people, that maybe it was a little loose, alarmist, whatever.

Then I see Glenn Beck. Last week, mind you – it took me this long to recover. You know when you’re witnessing something so terrible and yet you can’t tear your eyes away? Yeah, it was like that. I guess I caught the last half of whatever that show is meant to be. So Fox has a Republican leaning.. how about you lean a bit further.. Topple over and hit your face on the edge of my coffee table, please.

He raves on and on, crazy potato-like, stabbing at his chalkboard, talking about how ‘God had a hand in the founding of America’, how China’s one child policy is ‘kooky’, how Iran is full of ‘nutjobs’.

How is he allowed on TV?? Really.


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NetJets Catering Box

New recyclable in-flight catering box for NetJets Europe, from the July/August 2010 issue of Monocle.


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